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Mind, body & Spirit

Welcome! Feeling exhausted, stressed, and overwhelmed?

Have you lost your passion? Struggling with self care?


I get it. I've been there. 

But I found my way back. And you can too.


Want to rediscover yourself?




I'm so pleased your here.

Are you feeling the weight of exhaustion, the grip of stress, the overwhelm of anxiety? Do you find yourself drained, having lost the passion for what you once loved?


I understand. I've been there too.


I've navigated those moments of feeling stretched thin, constantly putting others' needs ahead of my own. It's a place where exhaustion becomes the norm and self-neglect creeps in, leaving you yearning to rediscover the vibrant, authentic you.


But here's the thing, I found my way back. I had that lightbulb moment, that realisation that it was time for a change. And it's been a journey ...... a beautiful, sometimes challenging, yet immensely rewarding journey.


Would you like to become yourself again?

If you're ready to reconnect with who you truly are, to shed the weight of responsibility and people pleasing, let's chat.


Together, we'll embark on a path of self-discovery, empowerment, and mindful living. You deserve to feel alive, to reclaim your joy, and to nurture that genuine connection with yourself. It's possible, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way. Let's take that first step towards your transformation. I'm excited and honoured to accompany you on this journey back to being authentically you.


Reach out, and let's begin this empowering adventure together.


With gratitude and excitement.

Samantha x

Get Started Now
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Are . . . . 

Sleepless nights and emotional turmoil familiar companions lately? The unrelenting exhaustion probably feels all too familiar, doesn't it?

It's as if you're caught in an endless loop of catering to everyone else's needs, leaving your own desires buried under a mountain of responsibilities. The to-do list seems unending, and the hours in a day vanish too swiftly.

Here's the truth: your own yearnings and self-care often take a backseat as you prioritise others' needs.

Deep down, you're yearning for a moment of respite, a chance to pause without feeling weighed down by the unending demands of others.

When asked how you're doing, you wish you could say "great" instead of the habitual "fine." The reality is, you're hungry for change.

Perhaps you often find yourself tirelessly searching for answers, longing to break free and reclaim the freedom to transform your life. It's like navigating two worlds, one where the weight of responsibilities brings tears behind closed doors, and another where you put on a brave face for the world.

Even in the tranquility of your own space, the constant stream of others' needs keeps you on edge, preventing any chance of finding balance and peace within.

Let's be real... your discontentment with this pattern has reached its peak. You might even find yourself daydreaming about a life where your wellbeing takes center stage.

If any of this resonates with you, know this: you're in the right place.

It's time to liberate yourself from the burden of responsibility, to honour your sensitive nature, and rediscover the pathway to a life filled with genuine fulfilment and joy.

Together we will.. . . . .

Begin by discovering your unique strengths and understanding how leveraging them at work and home can bring you boundless joy.

Uncover your purpose, identify work that aligns with your passions, and craft a life plan that sets you on a path of fulfilment.

But there's more to explore. We'll journey into the world of self-care and wellbeing, understanding why it often slips to the bottom of the never-ending to-do list.

Together, we'll redefine self-care on your terms and equip you with practical strategies to prioritise it like never before.

Now, it's time to step beyond your comfort zone, navigating uncharted territories. We'll push boundaries and guide you towards a fulfilling life that resonates with your sensitive nature.

And guess what? Along the way, we'll navigate emotional health and triggers, ensuring you have the tools to avoid self-neglect, whether it's through emotional overwhelm or struggling to set boundaries.

But that's not all! We'll uncover your hidden resilience and confidence, empowering you to face challenges with grace and tenacity.

Together, let's blur the lines between work and home, crafting a balance that truly honours your sensitive soul.

So, if this resonates with you, let's team up and create a life that embraces freedom, flexibility, and a whole lot of meaning and purpose.

It might take some curiosity and commitment, but I promise there'll be plenty of moments to laugh along the way. After all, life's too beautiful to be taken too seriously!

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We want you to . . . .  

It's a new day! Imagine yourself getting up each morning, brimming with energy and excited for what lies ahead.

Picture knowing your deepest desires in life and having the motivation and determination to chase it with enthusiasm.

Feel deeply connected to your mind, body, and inner self, effortlessly balancing life beyond work and enjoying those precious moments.

Welcome the freedom to unleash your authentic self in all spheres, earning respect for your genuine nature.

Imagine a career that fuels your passions, ignites your spirit, and fills each day with inspiration and happiness.

Now, let's bid farewell to those nagging doubts and fears. It's time to cast off the weight of responsibility and embrace decisions rooted in clarity and confidence.

Embrace a newfound self-belief that unlocks a world of endless possibilities, making your dreams attainable.

Summon the courage to prioritise your needs, with clear boundaries, making your voice heard and creating a lasting impact.

Master the art of disconnecting when work ends, nurturing a fulfilling life beyond the office and cherishing every moment.

Let's banish self-doubt and negative thinking, rewriting your life's story with a sprinkle of positivity, joy, and personal growth that propels you forward.

Reclaim your life with unwavering confidence, a clear sense of purpose, and a profound appreciation for living authentically. You've found a space to explore your inner self, celebrate your uniqueness, and embrace every inch of your being.

And if you're eager for change, seeking a shift in career or a departure from the corporate world, I'm here to help you empower you, filling yourself with the courage to pursue your dreams boldly.

Together, let's transform your dreams into reality!

“The most powerful relationship you will ever have
is the relationship with yourself.”

Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free

Listen closely to that inner voice of yours. It's telling you that self-care and life lessons seem like luxuries you just can't afford. Maybe all you're craving is that sweet relief of weekends or an escape on a well-deserved holiday.


But let's journey into the truth together. A few days' respite won't magically erase a lifetime of self-doubt and negative self-talk. Sure, downtime is essential and delightful, but once the daily hustle resumes, those familiar patterns and destructive habits often creep back in.


When dissatisfaction seeps into our lives, we tend to camouflage it with the busy facade we wear almost as a badge of honor. We push it aside, promising to address it later. Yet, more often than not, it resurfaces unexpectedly, sometimes in ways we least expect (trust me, emotional eating became my escape).


Here's the deal: Devoting time to explore your relationship with yourself isn't merely about career, work-life balance, or setting boundaries. It resonates in every aspect of your life, your relationships, wellbeing, and, most importantly, your happiness.


But here's the thing I've learned: I can't prescribe what's best for you. Only you hold that profound wisdom within. What I can assure you is this, you possess the power of choice. You could remain trapped in this cycle for months, maybe years, pondering over it ceaselessly or you can take responsibility.


Right at this very moment, for probably the first time ever, you can begin prioritising yourself and take that bold leap forward.


It's your time to shine.

" Samantha is a great coach. She helped me at a very difficult time in my personal life to connect with my intuition and gain some important insights. This allowed me to make the right decisions for myself and have the courage to follow my heart. Thanks to her, I have transformed my life for the best. She was challenging but always in a kind way. I always felt safe in our sessions but leaving them with a strong desire to take actions and change things. I wholeheartedly recommend her as a coach!"

HR Business Partner

Ways to work with me

The possibilities for our collaboration are boundless! Here are some ways we can work together to ignite positive change and growth in your life. No matter which path you choose, rest assured that I'll be there to provide guidance, support, and encouragement every step of the way. 

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Wellbeing Coaching: Whether you're navigating personal challenges, pursuing professional growth, or seeking clarity in your career path, we'll equip you with invaluable insights and strategies to embolden you on your unique journey.


Business support: If you're looking for assistance in your business, my company is here to help. We specialise in Wellbeing and can collaborate to develop strategies, overcome challenges, and unlock new opportunities for success.


Reiki sessions: Book a rejuvenating Reiki session to restore balance and harmony to your mind, body, and spirit. Experience the healing energy and embrace a renewed sense of well-being at the beautiful Goldney House in Chipping Soddbury

Wellbeing Events

Join us on a transformative retreat or discover the power of collective learning and self-discovery by participating in my wellbeing workshops and meditation courses. Expand your knowledge, cultivate mindfulness, and embrace personal transformation.

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